Loopsie 5.1.9 APK

Loopsie 5.1.9 APK


App Info

  • Nome del ApplicazioniLoopsie
  • Categoria Fotografia
  • Ultima versione5.1.9
  • Requisito 6.0 o superiore
  • File Size94.6 MB
  • Updated
  • Nome APKcom.loopsie.android


No camera tripod or professional video tools needed. Just a bit of creativity and your photos will come to life with a stunning cinematic effect!

(*)a mix between a picture and a video. They look like magic photos. (And with Loopsie, you are the wizard!)


Stunning video effects in motion and stills
Our living videos and photos effects make your videos unique and let your content stand out from other photos and videos .
Forget those old photo filters and photo editor, welcome our new breathtaking video loops.

Integrated Video Camera
Loopsie has a powerful integrated video camera that let you shot your video in full HD resolution (beta)

Easy video editor
The video editing is straight simple. Everyone can create beautiful videos.

Stabilization Algorithm
Loopsie removes shaking hands effects on your videos.
 From unwanted motion to stills! Thanks to the top notch stabilization algorithm you can leave your tripod at home!

Full HD videos
No blurred or low definitions photos or videos. Loopsie fully supports Full HD videos.

User friendly UI
You don’t need to be a geek or a post production or videomaking expert.
Taking a Loopsie is as easy as taking a selfie!

Loop effects
Choose if you want your video to have bounce loop or a repeat loop.

Share it easy
Social ready video output resolutions.

Aspect Ratios
You can choose between all the most common aspect ratios.


Use the hashtag #loopsieoftheday to get a chance to see your loopsie featured inside the app and get new followers!

1) What is a #loopsie?
A #loopsie is a new kind of immersive video content.
It's a new format between a photo and a video.

2) How does it work?
To obtain this video effect a part of the video is kept still, while another part plays in loop.

3) How can I select the moving and the still part?
With #loopsie you just have to drag your finger over the video.
There are two brush mode (motion / stills) that you can select.

4) How can I shot a good video setup?
#loopsie usually works in every setup, but there are some good common videos scenarios that you can exploit to create some beautiful videos.
Some of these videos scenarios are: waterfalls, water flows, fires, seas, moving backgrounds.

5) What can I do to prevent weird video effects?
The video stabilization algorithm, the autofocus, the high quality encoding and the new camera2 api should automatically prevent glitches and weird video effects. However it's important that you stay as still as possible while taking the video.

6) Are you affiliated/connected to Flixel Photos Inc. AKA Flixel? Are you the maker of Cinemagraph (TM) / Cinemagraphs?
No, Loopsie is in no way affiliated or connected with Flixel Inc. (TM) .
Cinemagraph (TM) is a trademark owned by Flixel Inc.

Write external storage Allows to write to external storage such as SD card.
Read external storage Allows to read from external storage such as SD card.
Camera Allows to use the camera device.
com.android.vending.BILLING App customer permission.
Internet Allows to access internet network.
Access network state Allows to access information about networks.
Access wifi state Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Read phone state Allows read only access to phone state.
Wake lock Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE App customer permission.
com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE App customer permission.

Versioni precedenti