360 Super ROOT APK
App Info
- Nome del Applicazioni360 Super ROOT
- Categoria Produttività
- Ultima versione8.1.1.3
- Requisito 4.0 o superiore
- File Size8.14 MB
- Updated2020-05-07
- Nome APKcom.qihoo.permmgr
Write external storage | Allows to write to external storage such as SD card. |
Read external storage | Allows to read from external storage such as SD card. |
Read phone state | Allows read only access to phone state. |
Camera | Allows to use the camera device. |
Flashlight | Allows to use the flashlight. |
Access fine location | Allows to access precise location from location sources such as GPS, cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
android.permission.COARSE_LOCATION | App customer permission. |
Bluetooth | Allows to to connect to paired bluetooth devices. |
Bluetooth admin | Allows to discover and pair bluetooth devices. |
Write settings | Allows to read or write the system settings. |
System alert window | Allows to open windows using the system alert, shown on top of all other applications. |
Clear app cache | Allows to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device. |
Battery stats | Allows to collect battery statistics. |
Write secure settings | Allows to read or write the secure system settings. |
Mount unmount filesystems | Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage. |
Read logs | Allows to read the low-level system log files. |
Get tasks | Allows to get information about the currently or recently running tasks. |
android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA | App customer permission. |
android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA | App customer permission. |
com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL | App customer permission. |
android.permission.ACCESS_MTK_MMHW | App customer permission. |
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_UPDATES | App customer permission. |
android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS | App customer permission. |
Restart packages | Allows to restart apps. |
Get accounts | Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service. |
DELETE_CACHE_FILES | Allows to delete cache files. |
android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS | App customer permission. |
android.permission.USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
Internet | Allows to access internet network. |
Access network state | Allows to access information about networks. |
Change network state | Allows to change network connectivity state. |
Access wifi state | Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. |
Change wifi state | Allows to change Wi-Fi connectivity state. |
Receive boot completed | Allows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. |
Reorder tasks | Allows to change the Z-order of tasks. |
Install shortcut | Allows to install a shortcut in Launcher. |
Uninstall shortcut | Allows to uninstall a shortcut in Launcher. |
Wake lock | Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. |
Broadcast sticky | Allows to broadcast sticky intents. |
Disable keyguard | Allows to disable the keyguard. |
Change configuration | Allows to modify the current configuration, such as locale. |
Get package size | Allows to find out the space used by any app. |
Kill background processes | Allows to terminate background process. |
Read sync settings | Allows to read the sync settings. |
Write sync settings | Allows to write the sync settings. |
Vibrate | Allows access to the vibrator. |
com.qihoo.permmgr.RESPOND | App customer permission. |
com.qihoo.permmgr.provider.READ | App customer permission. |
com.qihoo.permmgr.provider.WRITE | App customer permission. |
com.qihoo.antivirus.update.permission.clear_sdk_200005 | App customer permission. |
com.qihoo.antivirus.update.permission.root | App customer permission. |
com.qihoo.antivirus.update.permission.rootauthor | App customer permission. |
Versioni precedenti
- 2018-05-05: 360 Super ROOT
- 2018-05-30: 360 Super ROOT
- 2018-02-04: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-12-27: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-09-15: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-08-30: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-06-30: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-06-20: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-04-21: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-02-17: 360 Super ROOT
- 2017-01-31: 360 Super ROOT
- 2016-10-13: 360 Super ROOT 7.4.0
- 2016-09-18: 360 Super ROOT
- 2016-09-18: 360 Super ROOT 7.3.0
- 2016-09-11: 360 Super ROOT 7.2.0
- 2016-09-04: 360 Super ROOT 7.1.4
- 2016-08-21: 360 Super ROOT 7.1.3
- 2016-08-14: 360 Super ROOT 7.1.2
- 2016-08-07: 360 Super ROOT 7.0.9
- 2016-07-31: 360 Super ROOT 7.0.7
- 2016-07-24: 360 Super ROOT 7.0.4
- 2016-07-17: 360 Super ROOT 7.0.3